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Polly’s - Bleur Orion | IPA

Polly’s - Bleur Orion, IPA, 6.1% ABV, 440ml.  A hearty addition of both Comet and Sabro in the whirlpool impart a gentle underlying bitterness throughout, whilst our signature pyramid dry-hop technique brings the new school juiciness – Mosaic, Citra and Sabro in descending order. Expect to find tangerine, berries, citrus fruits and just a hint of pina colada coconuttiness in this incredible IPA.

Regular price £5.50

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only 1 left in stock

Polly’s - Bleur Orion, IPA, 6.1% ABV, 440ml.

A hearty addition of both Comet and Sabro in the whirlpool impart a gentle underlying bitterness throughout, whilst our signature pyramid dry-hop technique brings the new school juiciness – Mosaic, Citra and Sabro in descending order. Expect to find tangerine, berries, citrus fruits and just a hint of pina colada coconuttiness in this incredible IPA.

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